Chapter 12. Software for IBM iSeries and AS/400e systems 413
#4748 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
#475x ISDN IOAs
#4761 PCI Integrated Analog Modem
#4801 PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor
#481x 155 Mbps ATM IOAs
#4838 PCI 100/10 Mbps Ethernet IOA
#503x Migration Tower I
#5074 PCI Expansion Tower
#5075 PCI Expansion Tower
#5077 Migration Tower II
#5079 1.8 M I/O Tower
#7002 HSL Enabler - Internal Flex Cable
#7104 System Unit Expansion
#7123 DASD Expansion Unit
#7127 DASD Expansion Unit
#7133 DASD Concurrent Maintenance
7208-345 60 GB External 8 mm Tape
#9074 Base I/O Tower
#9079 Base I/O Tower
#9691 Base Bus Adapter
#973x Base HSL Ports
#9748 Base PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
#9767 Base PCI Disk Unit Controller
#9771 Base PCI Two-Line WAN with
integrated modem
#9943 Base PCI IOP
#5702 PCI-X Ultra Tape Controller
#5703 PCI-X RAID Disk Unit Controller
#5704 PCI-X Fibre Channel Tape
#5705 PCI-X Tape/DASD Controller
#7116 System Unit Expansion
#7124 DASD Expansion Unit - 5 slot
#7136 DASD Expansion Unit - 6 slot
#7137 DASD Concurrent Maintenance
#9094 Base PCI-X I/O Enclosure
#9492 Base PCI Integrated xSeries Server
#9710 Base PCI Integrated xSeries Server
#9746 Base PCI Twinaxal IOA
#9749 Base PCI 100/10 Ethernet IOA
#9792 Base PCI Integrated xSeries Server
#9844 Base PCI IOP
OS/400 V4R5 OS/400 V5R1 OS/400 V5R2
Note: You can verify this information by using the Offering Information (OITool),
IBMLink™, or other online tools. You can find the OITool on the Web at: