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Chapter 14. Summary of IBM AS/400 CISC
This chapter provides the capacity charts that indicate the minimum and maximum
configurations of CISC models of the IBM AS/400.
For detailed information about CISC features and models, see AS/400 CISC System Builder,
REDP-0042. You can find a summary of RISC models in Chapter 15, “Summary of IBM
AS/400e RISC models” on page 485, and more detail in AS/400e RISC System Builder,
The following table represents the general availability and end-of-marketing dates for AS/400
CISC models.
Note: OS/400 V1R2 through V3R2 support CISC systems.
Model General availability Withdrawn from marketing
Bxx 26 August 1988 03 December 1991
Cxx 23 February 1990 03 December 1991
Dxx 24 May 1991 19 August 1992
Exx 06 March 1992 03 May 1994
Fxx 05 March 1993 30 June 1996
2xx/3xx 03 June 1994 04 November 1997
Note: You can find footnotes for each of the table entries in 14.7, “Notes for all CISC
system summary tables” on page 484.