3. Options are case-insensitive.
4. Options that are not specified will be processed as the defaults described in
“Formatting the HOSTOPT (Host Options) Parameter” on page 95.
Examples of Formatting /etc/exports with HOSTOPT Parameter
Example 1: Exporting to a host and specifying all options.
/home/joe access=sammy \
#HOSTOPT HostName=sammy, \
PathNameCodePage=367, \
DataFileCodePage=850, \
A user exports /home/joe to host sammy, specifying code pages for both path names
and data files. Data written is not guaranteed to be written immediately to disk
(asynchronously). Note the use of the continuation character ’\’ to break the long
entry into more readable lines.
Example 2: Exporting with options to multiple clients and netgroups.
/home/selfe access=sammy:rainfall:dept-OA5 \
#HOSTOPT HostName=sammy, \
PathNameCodePage=367: \
hostname=rainfall, \
A user exports /home/selfe to host sammy, rainfall, and the netgroup dept-OA5.
For the host sammy, a code page for path names has been specified. For the host
rainfall, data is not guaranteed to be written immediately (asynchronously) to disk.
Example 3: Exporting a directory within QSYS.LIB with options.
/qsys.lib/jon.lib access=dept-OA5 \
#HOSTOPT HostName=wheatley, \
A user exports /qsys.lib/jon.lib to the netgroup dept-OA5. A codepage is
specified for datafiles. Because this directory exists in the QSYS.LIB file system,
NFS will use the open() API with the O_TEXTDATA and O_CODEPAGE options to work
with data files. Note that wheatley will use these options only if it is defined as a
member of the netgroup dept-OA5.
/etc/netgroup File
This file contains definitions for netgroups. A netgroup is a mechanism used to
associate a list of systems with one name. For example:
department-OA5 (larrys-box,,),(safe-house,,)
my-hosts (rainfall,,),(sammy,,),(department-OA5,,)
The above example defines the netgroup my-hosts, which is a list of the following:
rainfall, sammy, larrys-box, and safe-house. Note that larrys-box and safe-house
were included because department-OA5 is itself a netgroup. Netgroups can be
nested within other netgroups.
Traditionally, netgroups are defined as:
96 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4