2. If you are mounting a user-defined file system or a Network File System, then
you require *R (read) authority to the file system being mounted.
3. If you are mounting a NetWare file system, then you require *X (execute)
authority to the file system being mounted.
4. You must have *W (write) authority to the directory being mounted over.
For more information about the ADDMFS and MOUNT commands and the
associated parameters and options, see
CL Reference,
When you use the ADDMFS or MOUNT commands, you can specify many
parameters and options:
v The required TYPE parameter on the ADDMFS command specifies the type of
file system being mounted. The type of mount determines the correct form for the
MFS parameter.
v The required MFS parameter on the ADDMFS command specifies the path name
of the file system to be mounted. It can be the path to a local Block Special File
(*BLKSF), a remote NFS path name, or the path of a NetWare file system.
v The required MNTOVRDIR parameter on the ADDMFS command specifies the
path name of the existing directory that the file system will be mounted over. This
directory gets “covered” by the mounted file system.
v The mount options list contains a character string of mount options. The
keywords are separated by commas. For some keywords, an equal ’=’ and a
value follow the keyword. If a keyword is not specified, the default value for that
option will be used. The options list may contain spaces.
v The CODEPAGE parameter on the ADDMFS command Specifies, for Network
File Systems, a pair of code pages.
v The data file code page specifies what code page should be assumed for data
files on the remote system. You should specify a code page that has the same
number of bytes per character as the original data.
Add Mounted FS (ADDMFS)
Type choices, press Enter.
Type of file system ......>*NFS *NFS, *UDFS, *NETWARE
File system to mount......>'TULAB2:/QSYS.LIB/SCHOOL.LIB'
Directory to mount over ....>'/HOME'
Mount options ......... 'rw,suid,retry=5,rsize=8096,wsize=8096,timeo
Code page:
Data file code page ..... *BINARY 1-32767, *ASCII, *JOBCCSID...
Path name code page ..... *ASCII 1-32767, *ASCII, *JOBCCSID
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 41. Using the Add Mounted FS (ADDMFS) display
46 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4