There are several types of VTxxx information that you can enter.
v Character data. You can assign a character string to a function key. For
example, you are on the AS/400 system and are using Telnet to establish a
connection with an RS/6000 system. To assign the character string set
term=vt100 to the following function key:
Function Key 24 . . *CTLK
from the AS/400 system you would type:
Function Key 24 . . 'set term=vt100'
This allows you to press a function key rather than always having to type in that
character string.
When you press the function key during a VTxxx session, the character string
assigned to the function key is sent to the remote system with the carriage
return, line feed characters added. If you type data before pressing the function
key, the character string is added to the data that you type. This allows you to
assign a frequently used command string to a function key. The character data
typed is mapped from EBCDIC to ASCII before being transmitted to the remote
v Control key keywords. You can assign a VTxxx control keystroke to a function
key using a defined keyword. For example, if you wanted to assign a different
VTxxx control keystroke to the following function key:
Function Key 24 . . *CTLK
you would type:
Function Key 24 . . *CTLZ
When you press the function key, the new control character assigned to the
function key is sent to the remote system. If you type data before pressing the
function key, the control character is added to the typed data and sent to the
remote system.
v Hexadecimal data. You can assign a hexadecimal string to a function key. When
you press the function key, the hexadecimal data is sent to the remote system.
Change VT220 Alternate Keyboard Map
Type changes, press Enter:
5250 key VT220 function
Function Key 17 . . *CTLD
Function Key 18 . . *FINDKEY
Function Key 19 . . *INSERTKEY
Function Key 20 . . *REMOVEKEY
Function Key 21 . . *SELECTKEY
Function Key 22 . . *PREVSCN
Function Key 23 . . *NEXTSCN
Function Key 24 . . *CTLK
Rollup key..... *KEYPRI
Rolldown key.... *KEYALT
F3=Exit F6=Save F12=Cancel
Figure 115. Change VT220 Alternate Keyboard Map (Display 2)
172 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4