User GWIL on AS/400 SYSNAM03 wants to:
1. Retrieve files from hosts SYSNAMRS (RS/6000) and MVAX (VAX).
2. After retrieving the file from SYSNAMRS, the file should be transferred to
SYSNAM02 (another AS/400) using FTP.
3. From there the file is to be sent using SNA to AS/400 SYSNAM14.
Create a CL Program to Start FTP
1. As we have seen in the previous example, FTP uses the display station for
command INPUT and message OUTPUT, and this needs to be overridden for
use in batch mode. We use the OVRDBF command to overwrite these files with
the ones to be used in batch:
2. A host name or an internet address is a required parameter for the STRTCPFTP
command that is included in the CL program file. However, if one wants to
specify the remote systems in the input commands file instead of the CL
program file, then a dummy host name must be specified for the STRTCPFTP
command to satisfy the required syntax. This dummy name may be a fictitious
host name or a real host name. If it is a real name, then the first entry in the
input commands file must be a user ID and a password, and the second entry
must be the CLOSE subcommand. If it is not a real host name, then these
entries are not required, and the first entry should be an OPEN subcommand to
connect to the desired server system.
Figure 174. Network Example for Batch FTP
Chapter 7. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client 271