Submitting a Job on a Remote Node 113
newpswd specifies the new security password and is used by the security system to change the current
security password to the new security password (1–64 alphanumeric characters).
Trace Instructions
specifies the trace bits that define functions to be traced by Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS. The
following are valid options:
L enables the main line logic trace for all components.
S enables the Process step logic trace.
F enables the file handler trace.
C enables the communications logic trace.
X enables the XDR trace.
K enables the KQV logic trace.
D enables the all-purpose data dump.
H enables the FMH dump.
V enables the XDR dump.
W enables the communications dump.
P enables the CIPC dump.
*NONE turns off all traces.
*ALL enables all product traces.(L, S, F, C, X, K, D, H, V, W and P)
*EXT enables all product traces plus two system traces (TRCICF and TRCJOB).
*COMMON enables the communications traces. (L, S, F, C, and H)
*INITPARMS indicates the traces specified in the initialization parameters.
*CURRENT selects the trace bits that the session manager is currently using.
Command Trace Options
specifies the trace bits that define functions to be traced for this command but not for the Process it
runs. The following are valid options:
L enables the main line logic trace for all components.
S enables the Process step logic trace.
F enables the file handler trace.
C enables the common logic trace.
X enables the XDR trace.
K enables the KQV logic trace.
D enables the all-purpose data dump.
H enables the FMH dump.
V enables the XDR dump.
P enables the CIPC dump.
*ALL enables all product traces.(L, S, F, C, X, K, D, H, V, and P)
Note: Parameter values are case sensitive.
Newpswd is not valid if the remote node is a Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS node.