
Receiving a File 65
F enables the file handler trace.
C enables the common logic trace.
X enables the XDR trace.
K enables the KQV logic trace.
D enables the all-purpose data dump.
H enables the FMH dump.
V enables the XDR dump.
P enables the CIPC dump.
*ALL enables all product traces.(L, S, F, C, X, K, D, H, V, and P)
*EXT enables all product traces plus two other traces. (TRCICF and TRCJOB)
*COMMON enables the most commonly used traces. (L, S, F, C, and H)
*NONE turns off all traces.
Using Block Mode Transfer
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS supports block mode transfer of COPY operations. In this mode, Sterling
Connect:Direct uses the file block as the data unit. Using the block mode transfer improves performance
because the remote and local nodes handle fewer data units. This type of transfer reduces instruction path
length and decreases execution time. Larger units move between Sterling Connect:Direct and the file access
routines, requiring fewer calls to the access routines and further improving performance.
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS simulates block reads and writes. Using logical blocks instead of physical
blocks, Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS allows you to modify the blocksize to match the other node in some
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS supports block mode transfer when the following conditions exist:
Remote node supports block mode
Source and destination files have like characteristics
Files are supported file types
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS supports block mode transfers for the following i5/OS file types:
DB2 for i5/OS files (without staged compression)
Spool files
Save files
Stream files (using the integrated file system)
Simulating Blocksizes
The simulated blocksize determines whether a block mode transfer occurs. If the block mode transfer does
occur, the simulated blocksize is used for the transfer. The following rules determine what simulated blocksize
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS uses.
As the local node, Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS determines the simulated blocksize by these conditions in
order of precedence:
Destination file blocksize specified on the request
Source file blocksize sent by the remote node in the COPY control block
If neither condition exists, Sterling Connect:Direct uses the record mode.