CMUG00064E A host nickname is required.
You must identify the host system by supplying a host nickname before
modifications can be performed.
Enter a host nickname.
CMUG00065E The port quantity is required. Provide the number of
ports for this host attachment.
You are modifying a host attachment, but no quantity is entered.
Enter the number of ports for this port type in the quantity field.
CMUG00066E The port type is required. Select a port type.
You are modifying a host attachment, but no port type is selected.
Select the type of the ports for the attachment for the drop-down list.
CMUG00067E Select the WWPNs for all the ports for this host
For communication and security purposes, each host port is identified by its
worldwide unique port name (WWPN). A list of names is provided in the drop-down
box. You must identify each port in this host attachment by selecting a name from
the list or manually entering a WWPN.
To identify each port, select a WWPN from the list, or manually enter a WWPN.
CMUG00068E Select a host attachment identifier to connect to the
storage image ports.
To complete the link between host ports and storage image ports, you must
associate a host attachment identifier with the storage image.
80 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference