CMUG00127E No volume groups exist. You must create a volume group
before you can continue.
You must create at least one volume group before you can add a volume to a
volume group.
Create at least one volume group, and then resubmit the task.
CMUG00128E These storage images are already logically configured:
VALUE_0. Reconfiguring a configured storage image is not supported.
One or more configured storage images are specified. Reconfiguring a storage
image that is already configured is not supported.
Either specify storage images that are not already configured, or use the Real-time
Manager to remove the logical configuration of the storage images and then
resubmit the Apply Configuration task.
CMUG00129E The management console server is not available.
Either the DS Storage Manager is unable to connect to the storage management
console, or the storage management console is unable to connect to a storage unit.
Either condition might be the result of one of the following reasons:
v The storage management console IP address is incorrect.
v A network path is not available.
v The storage management console is not online.
v The storage unit is not online.
Ensure that the storage management console IP address is correct, that the
network is functioning, that the storage management console is available, and that
the storage unit is online.
CMUG00130W Host information cannot be retrieved from storage
complex NICKNAME.
The information that is displayed might be incomplete because host information
cannot be retrieved from the specified storage complex.
Chapter 3. DS Storage Manager messages 115