Chapter 7. Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM configuration and network integration 115
VRRP configuration
The VRRP configuration establishes the .100 addresses on VLANs 10, 20, 35, and 46. The
server blades and Core routers must also be configured to be aware of these addresses.
Configuration for GbESMs
The configuration in Example 7-23 enables VRRP globally and creates four instances of
VRRP, one for each of the VLANs 10, 20, 35, and 46. VRRP priority is set to 101 instead of
the default of 100 to ensure that GbESM 1 will be the VRRP master for all four VLANs. The
two switches use identical configurations except where noted.
Example 7-23 VRRP Configuration for GbESMs
/* turn VRRP on and then create VRRP instances
/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr 1
vrid 1
if 10
prio 101
/* the above is only on GbESM 1; defaults to 100 on GbESM 2
/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr 2
vrid 2
if 20
prio 101
/* the above is only on GbESM 1; defaults to 100 on GbESM 2
/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr 3
vrid 3
if 35
prio 101
/* the above is only on GbESM 1; defaults to 100 on GbESM 2
/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr 4
vrid 4
if 46
prio 101
/* the above is only on GbESM 1; defaults to 100 on GbESM 2
Note: The vr numbers configured in the sample are unique to the switch and are purely
local instance numbers. The vrid numbers must be the same on all switches which work
together and must be unique to that group of switches on the VLAN where they are used.