
Example: SIMULATOR /usr/local/tempest/tempest
SIMULATOR rexx d:\poems\fido\fidossh.cmd $h $f
TITLE Give a title to the run. This title is printed in each file, and is also
used to generate names for the intermediate file and log file, and for
the postprocessor orders file. No default.
Syntax: TITLE Waveguide3a
VERBOSE Turn on verbose output. Sometimes helpful in figuring out what’s
going on. It’s sufficiently verbose that it’s probably best to redirect
it to a file or a pager program such as less.
Syntax: VERBOSE on | off
3.1.3. WORLD Group
BOUNDARY Sets boundary conditions for a given axis to be either periodic
(PERIODIC) or mirror-symmetrical (SYMMETRY). Only one need
be set for each axis; if both are specified, they must be the same,
since symmetry applies at both sides in FIDO/TEMPEST. (Deprecated
boundary type ILLUM is the same as PERIODIC, and is provided
for backward compatibility with earlier versions of POEMS.)
Parameters: xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax
SUBDOMAIN Defines a simulation domain. A domain is the portion of the
computational world assigned to one thread. Since the current
version of tempest runs on a single processor, all domains will be
joined together into one big tempest run. FIDO supports multithread
simulations, so you don’t lose anything by putting them in.
Parameter domain_name must not contain whitespace. For multiple-
host simulations, the SUBDOMAIN keyword takes an optional
hostname and base port number, indicating which host this
subdomain is to run on, and the name of a supervisor host whose
fido instance will control that host. If these parameters are not
supplied, the given subdomain runs on the local host. (The
supervisor parameter should not be supplied for the host in overall
control.) All subdomains running on a given machine must specify
the same supervisor, or a runtime error will result. Each