
ARRAY PHASEEX /* outputtype variablename
0.00000 4.90000E-06 /* xmin xmax (metres) [or xfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 4.90000E-06 /* ymin ymax (metres) [or yfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 6.00000E-06 /* zmin zmax (metres) [or yfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 /* xNA, yNA, zNA (for mode computation and far fields)
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 /* xfocus, yfocus, zfocus( for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* ExI, ExQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* EyI, EyQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* EzI, EzQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
-4.90000E-06 -4.90000E-06 -6.00000E-06 /* xInside yInside zInside (metres)--coordinates of a point ’inside’ the surface
POSTPROC.2.COMPARISONDOMAIN /* Domain for comparison (e.g. modematch)
POSTPROC.2.PARMSTRING /* Order-dependent parameter string (e.g. name of calculated mode function)
DIPOLE2I_PHASEEX /* Output file for calculated data
FF2 /* Order name (poems variable name, no whitespace)
ARRAY FARFIELDS /* outputtype variablename
4.00000E-07 4.50000E-06 /* xmin xmax (metres) [or xfocus (dummy)]
4.00000E-07 4.50000E-06 /* ymin ymax (metres) [or yfocus (dummy)]
5.55000E-06 5.55000E-06 /* zmin zmax (metres) [or yfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 /* xNA, yNA, zNA (for mode computation and far fields)
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 /* xfocus, yfocus, zfocus( for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* ExI, ExQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* EyI, EyQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* EzI, EzQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
-4.90000E-06 -4.90000E-06 -6.00000E-06 /* xInside yInside zInside (metres)--coordinates of a point ’inside’ the surface
POSTPROC.3.COMPARISONDOMAIN /* Domain for comparison (e.g. modematch)
POSTPROC.3.PARMSTRING /* Order-dependent parameter string (e.g. name of calculated mode function)
DIPOLE2IFF1 /* Output file for calculated data
POSTPROC.4.NAME /* Order name (poems variable name, no whitespace)
ARRAY POYNTINGY /* outputtype variablename
0.00000 4.90000E-06 /* xmin xmax (metres) [or xfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 4.90000E-06 /* ymin ymax (metres) [or yfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 6.00000E-06 /* zmin zmax (metres) [or yfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 /* xNA, yNA, zNA (for mode computation and far fields)
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 /* xfocus, yfocus, zfocus( for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* ExI, ExQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* EyI, EyQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* EzI, EzQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
-4.90000E-06 -4.90000E-06 -6.00000E-06 /* xInside yInside zInside (metres)--coordinates of a point ’inside’ the surface
POSTPROC.4.COMPARISONDOMAIN /* Domain for comparison (e.g. modematch)
POSTPROC.4.PARMSTRING /* Order-dependent parameter string (e.g. name of calculated mode function)
DIPOLE2I_PY /* Output file for calculated data
POSTPROC.5.NAME /* Order name (poems variable name, no whitespace)
ARRAY POYNTINGX /* outputtype variablename
0.00000 4.90000E-06 /* xmin xmax (metres) [or xfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 4.90000E-06 /* ymin ymax (metres) [or yfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 6.00000E-06 /* zmin zmax (metres) [or yfocus (dummy)]
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 /* xNA, yNA, zNA (for mode computation and far fields)
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 /* xfocus, yfocus, zfocus( for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* ExI, ExQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* EyI, EyQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
0.00000 0.00000 /* EzI, EzQ (V/m) (for mode computation)
-4.90000E-06 -4.90000E-06 -6.00000E-06 /* xInside yInside zInside (metres)--coordinates of a point ’inside’ the surface