Function: Open or close the VTAM ACB, set the
persistent session delay interval (PSDI), or deregister CICS
from membership of a generic resource.
Syntax: Press the Clear key to clear the screen. There are
two ways of commencing this transaction:
Type CEMT SET VTAM (the minimum abbreviation is CEMT
SVT). You get a display that lists the current status,
similar to that obtained by CEMT INQUIRE VTAM. You
can then tab to the highlighted or blank fields and
overtype them with the required values.
Type CEMT SET VTAM (CEMT S VT) followed by one or
more attribute settings that you wish to change. For
example, cemt s vt o specifies that the connection
between CICS and VTAM is established.
Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line
gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect
─ ──CEMT Set Vtam ──┬ ┬─Open─────── ─────────────
─ ──┬ ┬───────────────────── ────────────────────
─ ──┬ ┬────────────── ─
└ ┘──Deregistered
The connection between CICS and VTAM is to terminate
normally; that is, transactions are allowed to complete
and terminals are released normally.
specifies that CICS is to be removed from the VTAM
generic resource that it is currently a member of. If you
deregister a region from membership of a generic
resource, you should end any affinities that it owns—see
Generic resources are described in the
Intercommunication Guide
The connection is terminated immediately, and all
terminal connections using the VTAM ACB (access
method control block), together with the transactions
associated with them, are terminated abnormally. If
transactions do not terminate because of their state at
the time FORCECLOSE was issued, it is necessary to
before the ACB can be reopened.
The difference between IMMCLOSE and FORCECLOSE
is that IMMCLOSE cancels any task at a VTAM terminal
and then closes the terminal sessions tidily.
FORCECLOSE cancels any task and closes the VTAM
ACB, terminating all sessions immediately.
The connection between CICS and VTAM is to be
terminated immediately. Any transactions using
VTAM-connected terminals are terminated abnormally,
and all such terminals are lost to CICS.
The difference between IMMCLOSE and FORCECLOSE
is that IMMCLOSE cancels any task at a VTAM terminal
and then closes the terminal sessions tidily.
FORCECLOSE cancels any task and closes the VTAM
ACB, terminating all sessions immediately.
The connection between CICS and VTAM is established.
With ACF/VTAM, this refers to the opening of the
ACF/VTAM ACB through which ACF/VTAM
communicates with CICS.
A CEMT SET VTAM OPEN command will fail with a
STILL CLOSING message if the command is issued
while a previous predatory takeover is still being
processed. No attempt is made to open the VTAM ACB,
because it is still being closed as a result of the
predatory takeover. After the predatory takeover
completes, the CEMT SET VTAM OPEN command will
work as normal. The failure is notified by a
RESP=INVREQ and RESP2=14 condition.
If CICS is using VTAM multi-node persistent sessions,
and VTAM has been restarted after an abend, opening
the VTAM ACB causes CICS to restore the persistent
sessions that VTAM has retained. However, CICS does
not restore APPC synclevel 2 sessions, which are
specifies the persistent session delay interval, expressed
in the form
. It specifies if and for how long
sessions are held in recovery-pending state after CICS
fails. The permitted range is 000000 to 235959 inclusive.
000000 If CICS fails, sessions are terminated.
Hhmmss If CICS fails, sessions are held in
recovery-pending state by VTAM for up to
the interval specified.
Table 7 on page 211 shows possible CEMT error
messages resulting from unsuccessful attempts to set
the persistent session delay interval.
210 CICS Supplied Transactions