
CSFE—terminal and system test
Debug functions
Storage freeze, the storage violation trap and the global
trap/trace exit are all debugging functions that are controlled
by the CSFE transaction. These functions are described in
the following sections.
Storage freeze
You can use CSFE DEBUG to freeze storage that is
normally freed during the processing of a transaction. The
frozen storage is not freed until the end of the transaction.
This freezing of storage can help you in the subsequent
diagnosis of problems that may have occurred during
─ ─CSFE debug ─┬ ─,TRANID=xxxx─ ──────────────
─ ─┬ ─────────────────── ─
└┘─,STGFRZ= ─┴ ─ON──
You must code the options in the order shown in the syntax
display above.
STGFRZ= ON or off
specifies that you want the storage freeze function to be
set on or off. If you omit this option, storage freeze is
set to OFF by default. To improve efficiency, storage
freeze should be switched OFF when not required.
This is an alternative method of identifying the
transaction. “yyy” is the PA or PF key definition on a
3270 display device which identifies the transaction for
which storage freeze is to apply. For example,
Identifies the transaction for which storage freeze is to
Storage violation trap
Use CSFE DEBUG to activate and deactivate the storage
violation trap, which is in the trace program (DFHTRP), the
exec interface program (DFHEIP), and the resource manager
interface program (DFHERM).
This trap lets you verify the user storage associated with the
currently active task. The storage violation trap is entered
before the trace program returns to its caller after making a
trace entry.
When a storage violation is detected by the trap, an
exception trace entry is made, a CICS system dump is
produced (if dumping has not been disabled), and the
storage violation trap is switched off.
─ ─CSFE debug ─┬ ─,CHKSTSK= ─┬ ─CURRENT─ ─
Specifies that validity checks are to be performed on the
user storage (not the CICS storage) for the current task
whenever the trace program is entered. Validity checks
are to be performed for the currently active task, as
Validity checking of the storage chain for the task
Validity checking of the addresses and storage
accounting areas for all storage areas on the
transaction storage chain.
For information on the CSFE options and their actions,
see the
CICS Problem Determination Guide
deactivates the user storage checking function.
The terminal subpools, above and below the line, are to
be checked for the CURRENT task or for NONE (no
250 CICS Supplied Transactions