7645install.fm Draft Document for Review May 23, 2008 10:14 am
96 Maximo Essentials V7.1 - Implementer’s Guide
From your Internet Browser move to Tools → Internet Options → General →
Select the radio button Automatically to check for newer versions of stored
5.6.13 SMTP mail exchange server setup
Some applications and cron tasks within Maximo require a mail exchange to
perform. In order to enable, this assign a valid SMTP server name to the global
value of the following property in the System Properties application:
5.6.14 Users LDAP Authentication through Virtual Member
You can authenticate users against LDAP using Windows Server Active
Directory. If your organization has Virtual Member Management in place,
consider using it to perform your authentication. When you configure the
application server to authenticate against an ActiveDirectory, you create and
manage users in the LDAP directory server.
The VMMcron task updates the Maximo database when users, groups, and
group membership are changed in the directory server. When users and groups
are deleted from the Active Directory, they are not deleted from the Maximo
database because these records might be needed for auditing purposes. You
can also configure the system to populate person, user, and group information
from the external directory. The system currently supports synchronization of
information from Microsoft Active Directory. Synchronization with other
directories is possible, but is not supported as a standard feature and might
require programming to configure. Both BEA WebLogic Server and IBM
WebSphere Application Server support authentication against Windows Server
Active Directory.
Tip: Ensure the above feature is applied to all clients. When failing to do so users could
experience previous screen representations other than the latest. Alternatively one could
also remove and destroy all Cookies and Temporary files from their Internet Browser