7645install.fm Draft Document for Review May 23, 2008 10:14 am
56 Maximo Essentials V7.1 - Implementer’s Guide
Logs for steps run by the user interface
In addition to collecting input from the user, the user interface of the Tivoli
middleware installer also performs several system checks. Examples of system
checks run by the user interface runs include: v dependency checking to ensure
the operating system meets the deployment requirements v inventorying the
software on the system to locate existing instances of middleware products
deployed by the Tivoli middleware installer v checking the available disk space to
ensure there is enough for the deployment
Each of these checks is produced in the form of a step so that it can also be run
as part of the deployment plan. When the user interface runs a step, it copies the
step into a subdirectory of the workspace directory. The log files generated by a
step are located in the same subdirectory and follow the same pattern as a step
that is run as part of the deployment plan.
Deployment plan logs
The deployment plan is located in the directory <Workspace
Directory>/hostname/deploymentPlan, where hostname is the hostname of the
current system. Each time the deployment plan is used to install or uninstall
middleware products, a process ID is assigned and log files are generated.
The log files for the deployment plan are located in the subdirectory
logs/processID. The primary log file for the deployment plan is
DeploymentPlan.log, a high-level log file that lists the steps invoked as part of the
deployment plan.
Machine plan logs
The machine plan is located in the directory <Workspace
Directory>/hostname/deploymentPlan/MachinePlan_hostname. The log files for
the machine plan are located in the logs subdirectory. The primary log files for
the machine plan are named MachinePlan_hostname_processID. These log files
contain the output generated by ANT when running the machine plan ANT script.
Deployment plan logs
Each step in the deployment plan is located in a directory named <Workspace
where stepNum is the sequence number of this step in install processing order of
the deployment plan and stepID identifies the step. The log files for the step are
located in the logs subdirectory.
Some steps may provide a message log file named stepID_processID.message,
which contains a few entries that summarize the result of invoking the step. All
steps will provide a trace log file named stepID_processID.log, which contains