
v 860 (Portuguese)
v 863 (Canadian French)
v 865 (Norwegian)
When you download a DBCS code page, the SBCS code page of the character set
is downloaded as user-defined code page 1. Additional code pages (three thermal
and one impact) can be downloaded, if desired, using the 4610 DBCS Installation
Utility Diskette. The diskette is available on the Web. See Resources on the
Interneton page 43 for more information.
Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) Code Pages
The following DBCS code pages are available for downloading to Models TI5, TG5,
TF7, and TM7 of the SureMark printer:
v 932 (Japanese
v 949 (Korean)
v 950 (Traditional Chinese)
v 1381 (Simplified Chinese)
Use the 4610 DBCS Installation Utility Diskette to download the code pages. The
diskette is available on the Web. See Resources on the Interneton page 43 for
more information.
When you download a DBCS code page, the SBCS code page of the character set
is downloaded as user-defined code page 1.
All character sets cannot be resident simultaneously.
Bar Codes
SureMark printers can generate these bar codes:
v JAN13 (EAN-13)
v JAN8 (EAN-8)
v Code 39
v Codabar
v Code 128C
v Codes 128A, 128B, and 128C (requires latest firmware for Models TI5 and TG5)
v Code 93
v PDF 417
updated March 18, 2002
10 SureMark DBCS Users Guide