This manual assists you with installing, testing, and performing problem
determination for models TI5, TF7, and TM7 of the IBM SureMark Printer.
Who Should Read This Manual
This manual is intended for use by persons who are installing, testing, or
programming a Model TI5, TF7 or TM7 IBM SureMark Printer. The manual should
also be used for problem determination on the printer.
How This Manual Is Organized
Part 1 contains information that applies to SureMark printers in general:
v Chapter 1, “Introduction” provides an overview of the features and options of the
SureMark printers.
v Chapter 2, “Installation Instructions”–provides information on installing the
SureMark printers.
v Chapter 3, “SureMark Installation, Service, and Utility Software”–provides
information about using SureMark utilities to setup or modify your system
Part 2 contains information that is specific to the thermal/impact SureMark printer,
Models TI5 and TG5:
v Chapter 4, “Operation (Models TI5 and TG5)”–provides information about the
controls and indicators. Ribbon loading and paper loading instructions are also
v Chapter 5, “Testing and Problem Analysis – Models TI5 and TG5”–provides
information on testing and on problem determination.
Part 3 contains information that is specific to the single-station SureMark printers,
models TF7 and TM7:
v Chapter 6, “Operation (Models TF7 and TM7)”–provides information on the
controls and indicators. Paper loading instructions are also included.
v Chapter 7, “Testing and Problem Analysis – Models TF7 and TM7”–provides
information on testing and on problem determination.
The appendixes contain the following information:
v Appendix A, “Consumable Supplies”–information about consumable supplies.
v Appendix B, “Technical Information”–information about technical specifications.
v Appendix C, “RS-232 Programming Information”–information about RS-232
programming commands.
v Appendix D, “Uploading Electronic Journal Data”–information about uploading
electronic journal data while the SureMark is in Model 4 emulation mode.
v Appendix E, “Proportional Fonts”–information about creating and using
proportional fonts.
v Appendix F, “Emulation Support for Epson Single-Station Printer”–expanded
information about Epson emulation mode.
v Appendix G, “Notices”–information about trademarks and electronic emission
updated March 18, 2002
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999,2001 ix