INSTEON SwitchLinc V2 Dimmer User’s Guide
Problem Possible Cause Solution
Make sure the circuit breaker is turned on.
Make sure the air gap (SET Button) is not pulled out.
Check junction box wires to ensure all connections are
tight and no bare wires are exposed.
The LED Bar on my
SwitchLinc Dimmer is not
turning on at all and it
won’t control my light.
SwitchLinc Dimmer is not
getting power.
Check the light fixture to ensure all connections are tight
and no bare wires are exposed.
The switch I’m replacing
only has two wires.
SwitchLinc Dimmer needs a
NEUTRAL wire in order to
Look in the rear of the junction box for a group of white
wires all tied together with a wire nut. Those are the
NEUTRAL wires. Connect SwitchLinc Dimmer’s white
wire there.
The SwitchLinc Dimmer and
the Controller are on opposite
powerline phases.
Make sure two SignaLinc RF Signal Enhancers are
properly installed to bridge the two powerline phases.
The Controller is plugged into
a power strip.
Powerline signals can’t travel through power filters.
Plugging the Controller directly into a wall outlet works
My SwitchLinc Dimmer is
not receiving signals
from INSTEON or X10
Other modules are loading
down the signal.
Move the other modules or the Controller to another
Add new INSTEON devices or move around existing
INSTEON devices. All INSTEON devices act as
INSTEON Network repeaters.
My SwitchLinc Dimmer is
not linking to or working
with an INSTEON
Controller or Device.
The INSTEON signal may be
too weak.
Make sure you are not experiencing interference with
older X10 BoosterLinc technology. Upgrade to
INSTEON BoosterLincs.
My SwitchLinc Dimmer
doesn’t always respond
The INSTEON Controller
may have been reset without
first unlinking SwitchLinc
Dimmer from it.
Re-link SwitchLinc Dimmer to the INSTEON Controller.
Check scene membership and remove any unwanted
links from SwitchLinc Dimmer, or perform a Factory
Reset to clear it.
Install a powerline signal blocker in your home to keep
X10 signals from neighboring homes from interfering.
Consider not using SwitchLinc Dimmer in X10 mode.
The light turned on by
Another Controller, a timer, or
stray X10 signals triggered
SwitchLinc Dimmer.
If the above doesn’t work, perform a Factory Reset.
The controlled light does
not appear to turn on or
off right away.
The Ramp Rate may be set
too slow.
Set a shorter Ramp Rate.
Install a powerline noise filter like Smarthome’s #4835
between the load and SwitchLinc Dimmer.
Install additional INSTEON Devices to boost the
INSTEON signal.
SwitchLinc Dimmer turns
on, but not off, using
another Controller.
The load is producing
electrical noise that is
interfering with SwitchLinc
Dimmer’s reception of
powerline signal.
Increase the X10 signal strength with an INSTEON-
compatible X10 booster to overcome the powerline
My light only turns off
when I tap the Paddle
Top on my SwitchLinc
Dimmer, but I can
brighten and dim it.
The On-Level may be set to
fully-off or very dim.
Set a brighter On-Level. See HOW TO SET UP ON-
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