Click the Properties button on the Intel PROSet/Wireless main window to display the security settings for the wireless
adapter. You can also add profiles to be excluded from automatic connection. If network exclusion is enabled (see
Application Settings) then the Network Properties also indicates if the network is excluded from automatic connection.
Network Properties details
Name Description
Network Name
Displays the wireless network name.
Current band and frequency being used. Displays Out of Range if no band
and frequency is displayed.
The following bands are listed:
● 802.11a
● 802.11b
● 802.11g
Operation Mode
Displays the current operating mode:
● Network (Infrastructure)
A wireless network centered around an access point. In this
environment, the access point not only provides communication
with the wired network, but also mediates wireless network
traffic in the immediate neighborhood.
● Device to Device (ad hoc)
A communication configuration in which every computer has the
same capabilities, and any computer can initiate a
communication session. Also known as a peer-to-peer network
or a computer-to-computer network.
Authentication Level
Displays the current authentication security mode for the profile being used.
The following network authentication levels are listed:
● Open
● Shared
● WPA-Enterprise
● WPA2-Enterprise
● WPA-Personal
● WPA2-Personal
● Unknown
Displays the 802.11 authentication used by the currently used profile. Refer
Security Settings for more information.
Data Encryption
The following Data Encryption settings are listed:
● None
Refer to
Security Settings for more information.