Uninstall Intel PROSet/Wireless Software
To uninstall Intel PROSet/Wireless:
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
2. Click Intel PROSet/Wireless Software.
3. Click Change/Remove.
4. Click Remove.
5. Click Next.
6. You are asked what you would like to do with your current profiles and settings:
You have chosen to completely remove the Intel PROSet/Wireless software.
Select what to do with your current profiles and settings.
● Do not save my profiles and settings. Select to completely remove all of your current profiles and
settings. If you reinstall the software, the profiles and settings are no longer available.
● Save my profiles and settings in the current format (Intel PROSet/Wireless 10.x). Select to
save your current profiles and settings. If you reinstall the software, your current profiles and settings
are available.
● Convert and save my profiles and settings in Intel PROSet/Wireless 9.x format. If you need
to revert to a previous version of Intel PROSet/Wireless software, select to save your settings. After
you have reinstalled the software, your current profiles and settings are available. NOTE: Only
settings applicable to the prior version of the software are available.
6. Make a selection and click OK.
7. Click Yes to restart your computer.
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