NetStructure™ 480T Routing Switch User Guide
2. Assign one or more traffic groupings to a QoS profile to create a
QoS policy.
Traffic grouping—A classification or traffic type that has one
or more attributes in common. These can range from a physical
port to a VLAN to IP Layer 4 port information. Traffic
groupings are assigned to QoS profiles to modify switch
forwarding behavior. Traffic groupings transmitting out the
same port that are assigned to a particular QoS profile share the
assigned bandwidth and prioritization characteristics, and hence
share the class of service.
QoS policy—The combination that results from assigning a
traffic grouping to a QoS profile.
3. Monitor the performance of the application with the QoS monitor
to determine whether the policies are meeting the desired results.
QoS Profiles
Eight default QoS profiles are provided. The default QoS profiles
cannot be deleted. QoS profiles are linked to hardware queues.
There are multiple hardware queues per physical port. The default
QoS profile names and their queues are described in Table 10.2.
Each physical port
contains all of the
hardware queues listed in
Table 10.2.
The parameters that make up a QoS profile include:
• Minimum bandwidth – The minimum percentage of total link
bandwidth that should be reserved for use by a hardware queue on
a physical port. Bandwidth unused by that queue may be used by
Table 10.2: Default QoS Profile Names and Queues
QoS Profile Name Hardware Queue
Qp1 Q0
Qp2 Q1
Qp3 Q2
Qp4 Q3
Qp5 Q4
Qp6 Q5
Qp7 Q6
Qp8 Q7