C H A P T E R 11 Enterprise Standby Router Protocol (ESRP)
default priority setting is 0. A priority setting of 255 loses the
election and remains in standby mode.
• System MAC address —The switch with the higher MAC
address has priority.
ESRP Tracking
You can use tracking information to monitor various forms of
connectivity from the ESRP switch to the outside world. This
section describes your ESRP tracking options.
ESRP VLAN Tracking
You can configure ESRP to track connectivity to one or more
specified VLANs as criteria for failover. If no active ports remain
on the specified VLANs, the switch automatically relinquishes
master status and remains in standby mode.
To add or delete a tracked VLAN, use this command:
configure vlan <name> [add | delete] track-vlan
ESRP Route Table Tracking
You can configure ESRP to track specified routes in the route table
as criteria for failover. If any of the configured routes are not
available within the route table, the switch automatically
relinquishes master status and remains in standby mode.
To add or delete a tracked route, use this command:
configure vlan <name> [add | delete] track-route
ESRP Ping Tracking
You can configure ESRP to track connectivity using a simple ping
to any outside responder. The responder may represent the default