14 536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual
Intel Confidential
AT Command Summary Tables
AT Command Summary Tables 2
This section contains summary tables of all AT commands, S-registers, and between AT commands
and S-registers. These commands are fully described in the relevant sections of the 536EX
Developer’s Manual.
Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary
Note Command Function Default Range
by &Vn
** A/ Repeat last command none – no
A Answer none – no
Cn Carrier control option 1 0, 1 no
C0 Transmit carrier always off
C1 Normal transmit carrier
D Dial command none – no
* En Command mode echo 1 0, 1 yes
E0 Disables echo
E1 Enables echo
Hn Switch hook control 0 0, 1 no
H0 Hangs up the telephone line
H1 Picks up the telephone line
In Identification/checksum option 0
0–7, 10–11,
14, 20–23
I0 ROM Checksum
I1 Modem Name
I2 Manufacturer
I3 Chipset
I4 Firmware Version
I5 Modem Chip Hardware Configuration
I6 DSP Patch Level
I12 Country Code
I7–I11, I13,
I14, I20–
* Ln Speaker volume control 2 0–3yes
L0 Low speaker volume
L1 Low speaker volume
L2 Medium speaker volume
* Value saved in NVRAM.
** Command not preceded by an ‘AT.’