536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual 87
Intel Confidential
S12 50
Guard Time: S12 is used to specify guard and detect times used for the Hayes and TIES
escape sequences.
For the Hayes Escape Sequence, S12 specifies the minimum-delay timer (or guard time) before
and after the three escape characters that is required for the modem to detect the Hayes
Escape Sequence.
For TIES, S12 specifies the maximum time limit that must elapse after receiving the three
escape characters (and no other characters) before sending an OK message to the DTE.
Range: 0–255 (1/50 of a second)
Default: 50 (equals 1 second)
S14 138
Bit-Mapped Options: S14 is a read-only register that indicates AT command settings.
Bit 0 Reserved
Bit 1 0 E0 is selected
1* E1 is selected
Bit 2 0* Q0 is selected
1 Q1 is selected
Bit 3 0 V0 is selected
1* V1 is selected
Bit 4 Reserved
Bit 5 0* T (tone) dial is selected
1 P (pulse) dial is selected
Bit 6 Reserved
Bit 7 0 Answer
1* Originate
S16 0
Modem Test Options: S16 indicates the test in progress.
Bit 0 0* Local analog loopback disabled
1 Local analog loopback enabled (&T1)
Bit 1 Reserved
Bit 2–5 Reserved
Bit 6 0* Analog loopback with self-test disabled
1 Analog loopback with self-test enabled (&T8)
Bit 7 0* Reserved
1 Reserved
S18 0
Modem Test Timer: S18 specifies the length of time that the modem conducts a data mode
(except for V.90 and V.92) loopback test using the &Tn command. After timing out, the modem
returns to command mode. Setting S18 to ‘0’ disables the modem test timer; the loopback test
must be terminated by issuing the appropriate escape sequence followed by an AT&T0 or ATH.
Range: 0–255 seconds
Default: 0 seconds
Table 26. S-Register Command Descriptions (Continued)
Command Default Description
NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes the factory-default setting.