Intel® ICH5 AC ’97 Controller Theory of Operation
AC ’97 Programmer’s Reference Manual 21
Table 6. BD Control and Length (DWORD 1: 04-07h)
Bit Description
31 Interrupt on Completion (IOC) 1= Enable , 0 = Disable. When this it is set, it means the
controller should issue an interrupt upon completion of this buffer. It should also set the IOC bit
in the status register.
30 Buffer Underrun Policy (BUP) 0 = When this buffer is complete, if the next buffer is not yet
ready, (last valid buffer has been processed) then continue to transmit the last valid sample.
1 = When this buffer is complete, if this is the last valid buffer, transmit zeros after this buffer is
completely processed. This bit will typically be set only if this is the last buffer in the current
29:16 Reserved. Must be 0 when writing this field.
15:0 Buffer length. This is the length of the data buffer in number of samples. The controller uses
this data to determine the length of the buffer in bytes. A value of 0 indicates no sample
3.2.2 DMA Initialization
The maximum length of the buffer descriptor list is fixed at 32 (this is limited by the size of the
index registers). Figure 4, below, describes the organization of the Buffer Descriptor List.
Figure 4. Buffer Descriptor List
Buffer Descriptor List
Base Add
Data Buffer
Current Index
Prefetched Index
Last Valid
Buffer Pointer
Command Length
Buffer Pointer
Command Length
Buffer Pointer
Command Length
Buffer Pointer
Command Length
Buffer Pointer
Command Length