Independent Input Channels Capability
50 AC ’97 Programmer’s Reference Manual
Bit Description
11 Reserved
Steer Enable (SE): When set, the SDATA_IN lines are treated separately and not OR’d together before
being sent to the DMA engines. When cleared, the SDATA_IN lines are OR’d together, and the
“Microphone In 2” and “PCM In 2” DMA engines are not available.
2 Reserved
Last Codec Read Data Input (LDI): When a codec register is read, this indicates which SDATA_IN the
read data returned on. Software can use this to determine how the codecs are mapped. The values
11 Reserved
Software must follow the following steps to determine the codec topology:
1. Determine codec present by reading the codec ready bits GLOB_STA Global Status Register.
MBBAR + 30h: SDATA_IN Map Register.
Table 28. Codec Ready Bits
Bit Description
28 Tertiary Codec Ready (TRI) – RO. Provides the state of codec ready bit on SDATA_IN[2]
9 Secondary Codec Ready (TRI) – RO. Provides the state of codec ready bit on SDATA_IN[1]
8 Primary Codec Ready (PRI) – RO. Provides the state of codec ready bit on SDATA_IN[0]
2. Once codec present is determined, software will determine the ID of the codec attached to
each SDATA_IN line in used by reading any codec register at codec ID 00, 01 or 10. As
indicated in Table29below and determine the returning SDATA_IN line by reading bits 1:0 in
SDATA_IN Map registers as shown in Table 27. SDATA_IN Map, above.
Table 29. MMBAR: Mixer Base Address Register
Codec ID 00 (offset) Codec ID 00 (Offset) Codec ID 00 (Offset)
00h to 7Fh 80h to FFh 100-7Fh
3. Base on the codec assignment and the specific application software will map the specific
DMA engines to the appropriate SDATA_IN[0:2] lines by programming [7:6] for PCM/MIC
and [5:4] for PCM/MIC2 in SDATA_IN MAP register as per Table 27.
4. Finally software will enable the steering mechanism by asserting bit [3] in SDATA_IN Map
register before initiating a data transfer.