
Register Description
82845 MCH for SDR Datasheet 39
3.4.3 CKESTR—Strength Control Register (SCKE Signal Group)
Memory Address Offset: 31h
Default Value: 00h
Access: R/W
Size: 8 bits
This register controls the drive strength of the I/O buffers for the CKE signal group. This group
has two possible loadings depending on the width of SDRAM devices used in each row of memory
(x8 or x16). The proper strength can be independently programmed for each configuration. The
actual strength used for each signal is determined by the DRAMWIDTH Register (offset 2Ch).
Bit Descriptions
7 Reserved.
6:4 SCKE x16 Strength Control. This field selects the signal drive strength.
000 = 0.75 X (default)
001 = 1.00 X
010 = 1.25 X
011 = 1.50 X
100 = 2.00 X
101 = 2.50 X
110 = 3.00 X
111 = 4.00 X
3 Reserved.
2:0 SCKE x8 Strength Control. This field selects the signal drive strength.
000 = 0.75 X (default)
001 = 1.00 X
010 = 1.25 X
011 = 1.50 X
100 = 2.00 X
101 = 2.50 X
110 = 3.00 X
111 = 4.00 X