
Register Description
70 Intel
82845 MCH for SDR Datasheet
3.5.30 ATTBASE—Aperture Translation Table Base Register
(Device 0)
Address Offset: B8–BBh
Default Value: 0000_0000h
Access: R/W
Size: 32 bits
This register provides the starting address of the Graphics Aperture Translation Table Base
located in the system memory. This value is used by the MCH Graphics Aperture address
translation logic (including the GTLB logic) to obtain the appropriate address translation entry
required during the translation of the aperture address into a corresponding physical system
memory address. The ATTBASE register may be dynamically changed.
Note: The address provided via ATTBASE is 4 KB aligned.
Bit Description
31:12 Aperture Translation Table Base (TTABLE). This field contains a pointer to the base of the
translation table used to map memory space addresses in the aperture range to addresses in
system memory.
Note: It should be modified only when the GTLB has been disabled.
11:0 Reserved.