C H A P T E R 5 Command Reference
set egress_mac Allows the configuration of a 7115 when the ingress and egress
traffic paths are different. (See Chapter 4, Scenario 4.)
set ether Specify ethernet settings.
Intel 7115> set ether
1 - auto
2 - 10baseT, half duplex
3 - 10baseT, full duplex
4 - 100baseTX, half duplex
5 - 100baseTX, full duplex
Select media type [1]:
Media set to auto
Intel 7115>
show ether Display ethernet settings.
Intel 7115> show ether
Ethernet media set to auto
Intel 7115>
set idleto Set the console idle interval. After <n > minutes absence of
keyboard activity, the user is automatically logged off.
Intel 7115> set idleto <n>
where <n> is a value in minutes.
show idleto Display console timeout.
Intel 7115> show idleto
Idle timeout is 5 minutes
Intel 7115>
Command Description