C H A P T E R 3 Intel® NetStructure™ 7110/7115 e-Commerce Accelerator User Guide
Creating a new Key/Certificate on the
Use the create key and create cert commands to create new keys and
certificates for 7110/7115 operation. This procedure can be used
when there are no existing keys and certificates on the server. The
advantage is that this method is very fast, but a certificate authority
has not signed the certificates.
The fields input to create a certificate are called a Distinguished
Name (DN). For optimal security, one or more fields must be
modified to make the DN unique.
1. Create a key as follows:
Intel 7115> create key
Enter the key strength [512,1024]: 512
New keyID [001]: mywebserver
Keypair was created for keyID: mywebserver
2. Enter the create cert command with the keyID
Intel 7115> create cert mywebserver
You are about to be asked to enter information…
Enter the information for the certificate, as prompted:
• Country
• State
• Locality
• Organization
• Organization unit
• Common name (for example, www.myserver.com)
• E-mail address.
3. Create a server mapping. Use the create map command to
specify the server IP address, ports, and keyID.
Intel 7115> create map
Server IP (
SSL (network) port [443]: <Enter>
Cleartext (server) port [80]: <Enter>
KeyID to use for mapping: mywebserver