Software Developer’s Manual 97
EEPROM Interface
In ASF Mode
, the Ethernet controller's ASF function reads the ASF CRC word to determine if the
EEPROM is valid. If the CRC is not valid, the ASF Configuration registers retain their default
value. This CRC does not affect any of the remaining Ethernet controller's configuration, including
the Management Control Register.
5.5 EEUPDATE Utility
The EEUPDATE utility meets the two basic requirements for an in-circuit programming utility.
First, the utility can be used to update EEPROM images as part of an end-of-line production tool.
Secondly, it can be used as a standalone development tool. The tool uses the two basic data files
outlined in the following section (static data file and IA address file). To obtain a copy of this
program, contact your Intel representative.
The EEUPDATE utility is flexible and can be used to update the entire EEPROM image or update
only the IA address of the Ethernet controller.
5.5.1 Command Line Parameters
The DOS command format is a follows:
EEUPDATE Parameter_1 Parameter_2
Parameter_1 = filename or /D
Parameter_2 = filename or /A
Parameter 1, above, is file1.eep, which contains the complete EEPROM image in a
specific format that is used to update the complete EEPROM. All comments in the .eep file must
be preceded by a semicolon (;).
Parameter 1 can also be a switch /D. the switch /D implies: do not update the complete
EEPROM image.
Parameter 2, above, is file2.dat, which contains a list of IA addresses. the EEUPDATE
utility picks up the first unused address from this file and uses it to update the EEPROM. An
address is marked as used by following the address with a date stamp. When the utility uses a
specific address, it updates that address as used in a log file called eelog.dat. This file should then
be used as the .dat file for the next update.
Note: Refer to the appropriate Ethernet controller’s EEPROM map and programming information for
sample EEPROM images.
1. The 82544GC/EI and 82541ER do not support ASF.