Software Developer’s Manual 363
Register Descriptions
13.7.53 TCP Segmentation Context Transmitted Count
TSCTC (040F8h; R)
This register counts the number of TCP segmentation offload transmissions and increments once
the last portion of the TCP segmentation context payload is segmented and loaded as a packet into
the Ethernet controller’s on-chip transmit buffer. Note that this is not a measurement of the number
of packets sent out (covered by other registers). This register only increments if transmits and TCP
Segmentation offload are enabled.
13.7.54 TCP Segmentation Context Transmit Fail Count
TSCTFC (040FCh; R)
This register counts the number of TCP segmentation offload requests to the hardware that failed to
transmit all data in the TCP segmentation context payload. There is no indication by hardware of
how much data was successfully transmitted. Only one failure event is logged per TCP
segmentation context. Failures can be caused by excessive collisions or PAYLEN errors. This
register only increments if transmits are enabled.
31 0
Field Bit(s)
TSCTC 31:0 0b Number of TCP Segmentation contexts transmitted count.
31 0
Field Bit(s)
TSCTFC 31:0 0b
Number of TCP Segmentation contexts where the Ethernet
controller failed to transmit the entire data payload.