
Module name = Slow Grow SG-1
Descripon = An auto swell eect tracks the notes you play and removes the transients to make
the music sound like it’s being played backwards.
Module name = Octapus Octaver
Descripon = Behind every great tone is another tone waing to come out. With Octapus you can
release this sub octave, taken from and added to your melody. The Octapus is a ght and accu-
rate octaver stomp box that works best when you play one note at a me. Be careful with chords
or it will not sound as expected.
Module name = FL-Duo anger
Descripon = This anger eect mixes a varying, delayed signal with the original signal to produce
a series of phase cancellaons. These “notches” make up the sound of the anger. The FL-Duo is
actually two angers. Except for the mixing controls, they share the same knobs.
Module name = Texas Treble Maker
Descripon = The Texas Treble Maker is a treble booster whose purpose is to equalize the fre-
quency spectrum of the Guitar to make the distoron smooth. The overtones of most sounds are
progressively fainter the higher up the spectrum they are. This means that the distoron a sound
generates in a distoron circuit mainly originates from the overtones of the lowest frequencies,
placing the frequency range of the distoron compo nents in a parcular place of the spectrum.
A treble booster is designed to reshape the clean sound so that the distoron components
originate in equal amounts from each overtone. The result is a much smoother distoron, and of
course more of it!