
A. Yes. The speaker convoluon modeler (RIR) can load les in .wav format, provided they are
reasonably short. RIR is using a real-me engine that requires no parcular sample chunk size, so
it can operate less eciently with larger les. All input is therefore shortened considerably if
needed. No reverb, echo or delay type of IRs can be used.
The phase splier, “Long Tail Pair Phase Inverter“ has two outputs, each being essenally the
same signal but with one being inverted 180 degrees. This is a common circuit to drive a push-pull
stage that in fact requires two signals, one being 180 degrees apart.
If you wish to drive a single ended stage you need only one signal, and there is lile advantage in
driving it with a phase inverter.
In a module that in fact has a phase inverter, you can sll switch the push-pull stage to a single-
ended stage. What happens is simple: the inverted signal is ignored. Only the top half of the
inverter signal is used.
ReValver® MK III ulizes a copy protecon system that is enrely soware based. There is no need
to buy or purchase a driver to make the program work.
A license for the program, or a sub feature of the program, is handled through license les in text
format. These license les are locked to a parcular hardware component on the computer in
queson. The actual component can be chosen from a number of types (but at the me of writ-
ing, only the “system drive” can be chosen). You may upgrade your hardware any number of
mes, requiring a new license le (which can be downloaded through the Peavey web site, or the
accompanying Acvaon Tool).
ReValver MK III relies in part on the following technologies:
PortAudio, copyright Ross Bencina and Phil Burk. PortMIDI, copyright Ross Bencina, Phil Burk and
Roger B. Dannenberg. FFTReal, copyright Laurent de Soras. ASIO, VST PlugIn Interface Technol ogy
by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Some speaker IR samples, copyright Chris Hurley, Dimi-
tar Nalbantov, Murray McDowall. FamFamFam Silk icons (hp://www.famfamfam.com/lab/