VLAN Commands
364 Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Modules SBCEGBESW1 and SBCEGBESW10 CLI Guide
Default Configuration
If the port is added to a VLAN without specifying tagged or untagged, the default setting
is tagged.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
User Guidelines
This command enables changing the egress rule (for example from tagged to untagged)
without first removing the VLAN from the list.
The following example adds VLANs 2, 5, and 6 to the allowed list of Ethernet port 1.
switchport general pvid
The switchport general pvid Interface Configuration mode command configures the
PVID when the interface is in general mode. To return to the default configuration, use the
no form of this command.
switchport general pvid vlan-id
no switchport general pvid
• vlan-id — Specifies the PVID (Port VLAN ID).
Default Configuration
If the default VLAN is enabled, PVID = 1. Otherwise, PVID=4095.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
Console(config)# interface ethernet ext.1
Console(config-if)# switchport general allowed vlan add 2,5-6 tagged