VLAN Commands
374 Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Modules SBCEGBESW1 and SBCEGBESW10 CLI Guide
Command Mode
VLAN Database mode
User Guidelines
The following protocol names are reserved:
• ip-arp
• ipx
The following example maps protocol ip-arp to the group named "213".
switchport general map protocols-group vlan
The switchport general map protocols-group vlan interface configuration command
sets a protocol-based classification rule. To delete a classification, use the
no form of this
switchport general map protocols-group group vlan vlan-id
no switchport general map
protocols-group group
• group — Group number as defined in the map protocol protocols-group command.
(Range: 1-2147483647)
• vlan-id — Define the VLAN ID in the classifying rule.
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
Console (config)# vlan database
Console (config-vlan)# map protocol ip-arp protocols-group 213