007-4857-002 xxi
The following conventions are used throughout this document:
Product Support
SGI provides a comprehensive product support and maintenance program for its products, as
• If you are in North America, contact the Technical Assistance Center at
+1 800 800 4SGI or contact your authorized service provider.
• If you are outside North America, contact the SGI subsidiary or authorized distributor in
your country.
Convention Meaning
Command This fixed-space font denotes literal items such as commands, files,
routines, path names, signals, messages, and programming language
variable The italic typeface denotes variable entries and words or concepts being
defined. Italic typeface is also used for book titles.
user input This bold fixed-space font denotes literal items that the user enters in
interactive sessions. Output is shown in nonbold, fixed-space font.
[ ] Brackets enclose optional portions of a command or directive line.
... Ellipses indicate that a preceding element can be repeated.
man page(x) Man page section identifiers appear in parentheses after man page names.
GUI element This font denotes the names of graphical user interface (GUI) elements such
as windows, screens, dialog boxes, menus, toolbars, icons, buttons, boxes,
fields, and lists.