10 007-4857-002
1: System Installation
For international sites, follow these steps to ensure that a single-phase power receptacle is properly
1. Set the voltmeter to a high AC voltage range.
2. Check the voltage between socket 1 and socket 2 (see Figure 1-2). The meter should read
between 200 and 240 VAC.
3. Check the voltage between socket 1 (line) and the ground socket. The meter should read
between 200 and 240 VAC.
Note: The ground pin is slightly larger in diameter than the other two pins.
4. Check the voltage between socket 2 (neutral) and the ground socket. The meter should read
approximately 0 VAC.
5. Check the voltage between the ground socket and an earth-ground location. The meter
should read 0 VAC.
6. Change the voltmeter to a low-resistance setting.
7. Measure between the ground socket and an appropriate earth-ground location and ensure that
resistance is less than 1 ohm.
8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for any additional single-phase power receptacles.
Caution: If a voltage reading is incorrect, or if the resistance measured in step 7 is more than 1
ohm, contact a site-approved electrician. Do not proceed with the installation.