The sky is falling! You’re the laser battery commander and HERE THEY COME!....an attack of
multicolored meteors with an occasional spinning bomb that will blow up one of your guns if
you let it hit land. To make things more interesting there are some guided missiles and an
attack UFO to dodge. As you score goes higher, so does the excitement!
1.The First Screen with appear with the name of the game.Press the“Start”Buttonto begin playing and enjoy the game!
(If youpress the“Start”Button again during play it acts as a pause button)
2.The“A”Buttonoperates the firing of the Laser Gun.
3.The“B”Buttonis the Hyperspace option to immediately move to another random position on the screen.
4.Move youractive laser gun Left andRightby pressing Disc in the desireddirection.
5.Hit as many rocksas you can…every one that lands reduces your score.
6.Try to hit every white“Spinner”,because when the Spinner hits the ground you will lose one laser gun.
7.The game level will change with every 2,000 points,and is displayed in the lower right hand corner.You will also receive another Lift to fightwith.
8.Pulsating guidedmissiles aretrying to seekand destroy your active laser gunto blow it up on impact! Do your best toget underneath it and shootit
out of the sky. If the missile gets to the ground, sometimes it will hone in on your laser and flying horizontally. If this happens,your only chance of
escape is to go into Hyperspace! (move instantlyto another place).
9.The Score (objects shot from the sky):
Big Rock= 10
Small Rock= 20
Big Spinner = 40
Small Spinner = 80
Guide Missile = 100
11.The battle ends when you are out of lasers.
10.The Score Reduction (objects that hit the ground):
Big Rock= -5
Small Rock= -10
Big Spinner = 1lift
Small Spinner = 1lift
Guide Missile = -20