
Star Strike
Your mission is to destroy the alien station and shoot down the alien defenders stalking you.
Bomb 5 Hot Targets, or Earth will be destroyed! Get a high score by quickly bombing the 5 red
targets, and hitting as many alien spacecraft as possible. Avoid hits by alien spaceships to
keep your controls and lasers working. Good luck…and good hunting!
1.The First Screen willproject the name of the game.Press the“Start”Button to beginplaying,and enter the world of space defense.
2.The game begins with the screen showing the Space Station, Moon,Earth and your Fighter Ship. You will also have 8,000 points to start with. Your
point total decreases withtime and increases withenemyships and silos destroyed.
3.You must destroy thealien station by shooting down the aliendefendersstalking you.Bomb the 5 HotTargets (The Red MissileSilos),
or Earth willbe destroyed.
4.The“A”buttonwill drop the Bomb.
5.The“B”buttonwill Firethe Air-To-Air Laser.
6.The enemy ship will appearin a“Dark Blue”color indicating that they are behind your ship.
7.The“Dark Blue”space ship will attach to your Space Shipwhen they are behind you.
8.When you have been hit by the enemy your space ship will display a flash of flame.Your ship is out of control while it’s on fire. During that time you
need to pressthe DirectionalDisc upward to gain altitudeand takeevasive action to avoid further hits.Then Fight Back. Otherwise your shipwill lose
control,hit the station andbe destroyed. Your mission will have been a failure andEarth will bedestroyed.
9.The enemy ship will appear“Light Blue”when they are in front of your ship
10.You can shoot the light blue enemy ship when they are infront of you. Each hit willincrease your score by 250 points.
11.The Red MissileSilos will come every 1000 pointsand you will be alerted of this by the warningmusic. When you reach 3000 points Red Missile
Silos will come every 500 points.
12.If you allow 3 RedMissile Silos to passthen Earth willbe destroyed.
13.Your mission will have been a successif you are able to bomball 5 Red MissileSilos. The words“Save Earth”will come ontothe screen.