
Intermec EasyCoder PD4—User’s Guide 35
Chapter 5—Printing
Setup Methods
e EasyCoder PD4 can be set up using two methods:
Using ESim Commands
is method support all setup parameters and uses various ESim com
mands transmitted from the host computer to the printer. Please refer
to ESim v5.xx for EasyCoder PD4, Programmer’s Reference Manual.
Using the display window and keys on the printer’s front panel. is
method only supports some setup parameters, namely those that are
important for the operator. It can only be used if the printer has a
Navigating in the Setup Mode
You can enter the Setup Mode from the Direct Mode by holding down
the Pause key and simultaneously pressing the Feed key. is display
message will appear:
While you are in the Setup Mode, the keys labelled Feed, Pause, and
Cancel get new functions as indicated by the text in the bottom line of
each display message:
Key Key label in display Function in the Setup Mode
Feed Select Go to next option or level, that is, down in
the table on the next page.
Pause Enter Select the displayed option or value, that
is, to the right in the table on the next
Cancel Exit Leave the displayed level and go back to
the previous one, that is up or to the left in
the table on the next page.
Press the Feed key to go to the first menu in the Setup Mode (Media
Type). e levels are endless loop, where the presently selected options
are indicated by inverted text (white on black).