Intermec EasyCoder PF4i Compact Industrial—User’s Guide (Fingerprint) 47
Chapter 6—Setting Up the Printer
Default Setup
The printer’s default setup is listed below (assuming no options installed):
Ser-Com "uart1:"
Baud rate 9600 bps
Character length 8 bits
Parity None
Stop bits 1 bit
RTS/CTS Disable
ENQ/ACK Disable
XON/XOFF, data to host Disable
XON/XOFF, data from host Disable
New line CR/LF
Receive buffer 1024 bytes
Transmit buffer 1024 bytes
Startadjust 0
Stopadjust 0
X-start (8 dots/mm = 203.2 dpi) 24
X-start (11.81 dots/mm = 300 dpi) 36 (option)
Width (8 dots/mm = 203.2 dpi) 832
Width (11.81 dots/mm = 300 dpi) 1248 (option)
Length (8 dots/mm = 203.2 dpi) 1200
Length (11.81 dots/mm = 300 dpi) 1800 (option)
Media type Label (w Gaps)
Paper type Thermal transfer
Ribbon constant 90
Ribbon factor 25
Label offset 0
Low diameter 0
Contrast ±0%
Print Defi nes:
Print speed 100 mm/sec.