
56 Intermec EasyCoder PF4i Compact Industrial—User’s Guide (Fingerprint)
Chapter 6—Setting Up the Printer
Media Type
The Media Type parameters control how the label stop sensor (LSS) and
the media feed work. There are fi ve media type options:
Label (w gaps) is used for adhesive labels mounted on liner.
Ticket (w mark) is used for labels, tickets, or continuous stock pro-
vided with black marks at the back.
Ticket (w gaps) is used for tickets and tags with detection slits.
Fix length strip is used for continuous stock where the length of the print
window decides the length of media to be fed out.
Var length strip is used for continuous stock. The size of the print
image decides the length of each copy.
It is important to select the correct media type, so the printer can indi-
cate the following errors.
Error 1005 “Out of paper” indicates that the last ordered copy could
not be printed because of an empty media stock.
Error 1031 “Next label not found” indicates that the last ordered label
or ticket was successfully printed, but no more labels/tickets can be
printed because of an empty media stock.