Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.2
Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
• CSCea65315
Rebranding the VPN Client Release 4.0 for Mac OS X is not currently
possible. If you drop a png file into the Resources folder of the installer disk
image, when you install the VPN Client, the png file is not copied into the
/etc/CiscoSystemsVPNClient/Resources/ folder.
• CSCeb00549
The Linux VPN Client does not install on platforms with kernel versions of
2.5 or 2.6. These kernel versions are not yet supported with the 4.0 Release
or any previous versions of the VPN Client.
• CSCeb07131
Using the Windows 4.0 VPN Client with certificates, we are unable to disable
certificate expiry message.
• CSCeb08604
The VPN Client should treat profile names as case insensitive.
If there is a profile PROFILE1.pcf and the following command is executed
from command prompt:
ipsecdialer /c /user <UserName> /pwd <UserPassword> profile1
vpngui /c /user <UserName> /pwd <UserPassword> profile1
The above commands should work. "profile1" should NOT be treated as case
sensitive. This is a regression from 3.6 GUI.
• CSCeb09593
When the silent disconnect option is used with the VPN Client, the “You've
been disconnected” dialog is still shown after a "VPNCLIENT
DISCONNECT" is issued.
• CSCeb17553
In the 4.0 version of the VPN Client, vpnclient.exe no longer supports the
“-sd” command line option. If I have an old shortcut for vpnclient.exe that
uses this option, I get a Usage output stating that this option is no longer
supported. This breaks all the 3.x shortcuts that use this option.