Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0
• CSCea35592
The VPN Client event log displays the following events on Windows 2000
and/or Windows XP systems:
76 14:14:51.082 03/04/03 Sev=Warning/2CVPND/0xA3400011
Could not find (null) in IpHlpApi.DLL
These events will only appear on operating systems that use the Virtual
Adapter (Windows 2000 and Windows XP).
• CSCea38204
When connecting the Release 4.0 Cisco VPN Client to an IOS VPN gateway,
the VPN Client might initiate multiple IKE rekeys and then disconnect.
• CSCea38022
Upgrading the Release 4.0 VPN Client using InstallShield on a Windows NT
system might result in the VPN Client failing to connect. If the connection
fails, the VPN Client displays the following event message:
1 11:29:16.928 03/06/03 Sev=Critical/1CM/0xE3100004
Failed to initialize the ipsec driver! Returned 1
The problem is that the VPN Client’s IPSec driver is not installed correctly.
This problem occurs only after an upgrade with InstallShield, not after a clean
installation. This problem should not be an issue when using the VPN Client’s
MSI-based install. If you encounter this problem, uninstall the VPN Client,
reboot the PC, then the reinstall the VPN Client.
• CSCea38311
When the Release 4.0 VPN Concentrator is configured to send Alerts (Delete
with Reason (DWR) messages) and the Release 4.0 VPN Client is configured
to Auto Initiate, the Client does not suppress DWR messages and the user
must click OK to clear the message to allow Auto Initiation to continue. This
behavior is different from the Release 3.6 VPN Client, which does not display
disconnect messages when Auto Initiation is in use.
This occurs only when using a Release 4.0 VPN Concentrator and a Release
4.0 VPN Client.