Remove the lter and allow the air to bleed out of the cartridge. Check the lter for trapped air.
Check for the proper water level.
Check for a clogged lter cartridge.
If the problem persists, refer to section 7.4 (page 26) for ow switch testing instructions.
FL1 And FL2 Water Flow Problem
• FL1: The ow switch is not closed when the circulation pump is running. The heater is
deactivated. Proper water ow is inhibited or the ow switch may be obstructed, misaligned
or defective. Refer to troubleshooting steps 1-4 below:
• FL2: The ow switch is closed when the circulation pump is not running. The heater is
deactivated and the pump may or may not turn on. The ow switch is usually defective.
Refer to section 7.4 (page 26) for ow switch testing instructions.
COL Cool Condition
If the water temperature drops 20ºF (11ºC) below the set temperature, the heater will acti-
vate to raise the water temperature to within 15ºF (8ºC) of the set temperature. No correc-
tive action is necessary.
ICE Freeze Condition
A potential water freeze condition of 55ºF (13ºC) has been detected. No action is required.
The heater will activate and raise the water temperature to approximately 65ºF (18ºC),
cancelling the “ICE” error message. After the error message is cancelled, the heater will
turn off.
OH High Temperature Condition
The water temperature is above acceptable limits. DO NOT ENTER THE HOT TUB
WATER. The water temperature has reached 112ºF (44ºC) and the low speed pump has
activated to circulate water through the hot tub to cool it down. Refer to test steps 1-4
Verify the actual water temperature with an accurate thermometer. If the actual water temperature
is less than 112ºF (44ºC), proceed to steps 2-4.
Turn off the main breaker to the hot tub. Refer to appendix page 55 for expected hi-limit/temperature
sensor resistance/water temperature values.
Remove the hi-limit sensor connector from the circuit board points 10. Refer to pages 50-51 for your
circuit board con guration. Set your ohmmeter to the 100-200k range, then measure resistance
across the sensor wires (see page 56). If the resistance tests OK, check the wiring harness connec-
tions. If the wiring harness connections test OK, replace the circuit board. If the sensor resistance is
incorrect, replace the hi-limit sensor.
Set your ohmmeter to the 100-200k range, then measure resistance across the temperature sensor
wires (see page 56). If the resistance tests Ok, replace the circuit board. If the temperature sensor
resistance is incorrect, replace the temperature sensor.
--- Watchdog
The water temperature has reached 118ºF (48ºC). DO NOT ENTER THE HOT TUB WA-
TER. The entire system is disabled. Refer to test steps 1-4 below:
1. Check the hi-limit and temperature sensor resistance values. Both sensors should measure close in
resistance to each other (e.g. one may be defective and way out of range). Refer to appendix page
55 for expected hi-limit/temperature sensor resistance/water temperature values. If either sensor is
faulty, replace it and recheck the system. If the problem persists, proceed to step 2.