A18.0 Glossary Of Terms
Circuit Board:
Control Panel:
Flow Switch:
Hi-Limit Sensor:
Pin Assignments:
Sensor Harness:
Summer Logic:
Temp. Sensor:
Voltage Meter:
Printed circuit board assembly that distributes voltage to selected components.
Component that allows user to access functions provided by the circuit board.
Device which measures electrical current conducted through a wire or electrical
Chip on the circuit board that stores hot tub software.
Switch that informs circuit board there is suf cient water movement to activate
heater. This switch identi es water ow.
Sensor that monitors water temperature inside heater.
Device on circuit board that mechanically connects (bridges) two points together.
Device that measures the resistance in ohms (Ω) of a component or temperature
sensitive device (e.g. temperature sensor, heater element, etc.).
A device that produces ozone gas by passing air by a UV light source or through
Corona Discharge (high voltage arc) methods.
A 24-hour ozone ltration system added to a hot tub’s circulation pump line which
introduces Ozone while circulating the water.
Locations identi ed by numbers on circuit board.
Plug in connector containing the temperature sensor, hi-limit sensor, ow switch
and interlock jumper device connections.
Deactivates circulation pump and ozone when hot tub water reaches 2ºF (1ºC)
above the set temperature. Hot tub water must be 95ºF (35ºC) or higher for sum-
mer logic to activate.
Sensor that monitors hot tub water temperature.
Device that converts primary high voltage AC signal to a secondary low voltage AC
Device that measures AC or DC voltage potentials across components or from a
speci c test point to ground.