
Stoves and fireplaces must be installed to conform to local and national building regulations. Before preparing for the installation of
the appliance, it is important that the instructions issued with the unit are carefully read and strictly adhered to. Jøtul pursue a policy of
constant product development. Products supplied may therefore differ in specification, colour and type of accessories from those
illustrated and described in the brochure.
Jøtul vise sans cesse à améliorer ses produits. Cest pourquoi, il se réserve le droit de modifier les spcifications, couleurs etéquipement
sans avis prélable
Jøtul ASA
P.O Box 1411
N-1602 Fredrikstad, Norway
Jøtul North America
400 Riverside Street
Portland, Maine 04104
REV 2000.1